
2006年までに、約1400人の豪州兵が米国や他の連合軍とともにイラクの復興と復旧作業に従事していた。 2008 年半ば、豪州は兵力削減を開始し、約 500 人が撤退し、イラクには約 1000 人の豪州人兵士が残ることになった。



Department of Defence, The war in Iraq: ADF operations in the Middle East in 2003, Canberra, Department of Defence, 2004

Marcus Fielding, Red Zone Baghdad: My war in Iraq, Sydney, Big Sky, 2011

Jim Molan, Running the war in Iraq.The War in Middle East, 2011Department of Defence, the Middle East in 2003: An Australian General, 300,000 troops, the bloodiest conflict of our time, Sydney, HarperCollins, 2008

John Mortimer and David Stevens (eds), Presence, Power Projection and Sea Control: the RAN in the Gulf, 1990-2009, Canberra, Sea Power Centre – Australia, 2009

More about:

  • Researching Australian military service, Second Gulf War, 2003 – 2009

