
Hvide klumper i halsen, kendt som kaseum eller tonsillolitter, er små partikler, der sidder fast på mandlerne på grund af ophobning af madrester og slim.

Selvom de skræmmer mange mennesker, er tonsillolitter ikke sundhedsskadelige

Foto: Thinkstock

Og selv om de skræmmer mange mennesker, er de ikke sundhedsskadelige, men de kan give ubehag og få din ånde til at lugte ret ubehageligt.

Disse pellets dannes normalt som en forsvarsmekanisme mod hyppige infektioner i mandlerne eller halsslimhinden, oftest efter dårligt helbredte forkølelser, vedvarende allergier eller hvis du har dårlige mundhygiejnevaner.

Depending on the case, there are antibacterial treatments such as mouthwashes, as well as antibiotics (injections or lozenges), and home therapies such as rinsing with warm water before bedtime and gargling with hot water to remove residues.

It is best to visit your dentist and discuss your problem so that, together, you can find a solution to this problem.

It is recommended that you visit your dentist and tell him/her about your problem so that, together, you can find a solution to this problem.

It is recommended that you visit your dentist and tell him/her about your problem so that, together, you can find a solution to this problem.

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